Wednesday, February 26, 2025


There haven't been updates about Mt. Pela Innovative Solutions LLC in quite a while. I apologize for that. If anyone is interested :) 

I will bullet point a few notables: 
  • We abandoned Thoptera. I ran out of steam on the project after several years of raising, "breeding", and hatching various grasshopper species. When I burned out or run out of motivation (however you look at it), I just let it go. - We are going to wind down the historical products of Lee Mfg Co. The company has been in operation since around 1940. We bought the company from Newt Weeks (Dallas, TN) over 12 years ago. We made a little money from time to time but not nearly enough to justify the strain and hassle of it. Royalties, insurance, rising material costs, fees, interest, and other drains on the bottom line have made it hard to pay ourselves anything from it. It was a good run and we learned a lot in the process. So, we are ending the products that we had when we purchased the business, at least in their current state. This will include the corn cutters (101 and 202 models), pea shellers (600 and 800 models), and the cabbage cutter (808). Once the current inventory plays out, we will officially be done. Lee Mfg Co itself may limp along or be revived with new products, but the current model and product mix was no longer feasible for our family. 
  • Divesting other websites has begun. Over the years I built various websites as I had interest. Webpages like,, and These were interesting projects at the time and also a learning experience. However, they never gained traction and have become a financial drain. I am letting many of them go as the expire. I still plan to keep,,, and 
  • We have launched a new project. A blog about homeschooling. Check it out on Spotify or listen here:

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Grasshopper Harvesting & Sales in Uganda

Grasshoppers are seasonally harvested from the wild in Uganda. Check out this video that details the harvesting process and also the sales channel. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Vertical Insect Agriculture

 One of the nice aspects of insect agriculture is the ability to farm vertically. This means that there is potential for expansion other than a horizontal spread covering more square footage. Imagine a large warehouse-type facility that is stacked 15 feet tall with grasshopper pens.

I have recently been experimenting with some stackable cages and vertical infrastructure. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Grasshopper Feeding Experiments

I recently was made aware of some work that was done years ago by the USDA that detailed a dry diet for grasshoppers. Grasshoppers don't drink water. They get what little H2O they need from the greens they eat. The green food is also a hurdle in the large scale production of grasshoppers. The feeding aspect is time-consuming and can also be a large expense. I have been contemplating dry feeding options lately in the Thoptera grasshopper facility. If the greens (we feed mostly free, organic lettuce and some wheatgrass) could be supplemented or substituted with a dry feed source, it would make a huge difference in the operation and ultimately profitability. 

Below is a photo of some trial work that is ongoing with feeding our grasshoppers a supplement of pelletized forages. The feed is moistened with water at feeding.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

More Schistocerca americana

Schistocerca americana (also known as the American Bird Grasshopper) love to eat. Below is a photo of some that are a couple of weeks old at feeding time. They are feasting on some homegrown lettuce from our caterpillar tunnel.